It's Okay to Indulge, You Ascetic

I totally get it, I definitely do.

You want to become a better person. I do too.

But sometimes, you just gotta indulge a bit. You've worked hard, hard enough. You deserve to treat yourself. You don't have to feel bad about enjoying something. Work is essential, but so is having fun.

Sometimes, I think you hold yourself to standards that are too high. Working on your knitting skills, learning how to sail, starting your pigeon racing hobby, whatever it is, you are often preoccupied with what you think you ought to do. Sometimes what you think you ought to do serves what you really want to do. If you think you ought to do it, you definitely think that you want to want to do it. But you really should consider what you really genuinely want to do.

When you hold yourself to such a high standard, you won't be able to help but feel bad when you allow yourself to indulge. But you're going to indulge anyway, aren't you? We're only human after all. Maybe it's okay to set your sights high so that even if you don't hit your mark, you still find yourself in the right spot. Though I would think that you would be better off if you just set more realistic standards.

I don't think guilty pleasures ought to be a thing. You shouldn't have to feel bad for liking what you like. Unless you like hurting people. You probably shouldn't hurt people. Definitely feel guilty about that. But in most instances, I think fun or whatever it is you seek is most meaningful when you don't have to regret indulging yourself.

So, I know that you want to become a better person. And I would never disparage you for that. But you don't have to be so hard on yourself. As long as all of your obligations are fulfilled, you can rest easy. We're not in a race. You can take a moment to rest, if you'd like.

Post by Kai


  1. it's all fun and games until your entire life becomes indulging. I prefer to stay off that slippery slope


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