My Favorite Teacher

As my first year of college comes to a close, I can't help but reminisce about the experiences I've had here. I've bet many new friends and learned a lot of new things from great professors. While all of the professors here are very knowledgeable, none have had quite the impact on me as my favorite teacher ever.

There were times I was not really motivated to go to school, but I never hesitated to attend my favorite teachers' classes. They made their lessons exciting, conveying valuable lessons through compelling stories. Even though I often end up forgetting facts I learn in class as soon as the final exam ends, I will always remember the life lessons my teacher taught me.

My teacher has dramatically affected the way I think about the world. Many of the philosophies I hold about the world have been shaped by the numerous stories my teacher has told me. I learned over time through their stories about what it means to be a good a person. I learned about friendship, hard work, grit, determination, honesty, and much more. I cannot say that I always perfectly embody the virtues instilled in me through their lessons, but I always try to make the right decisions and be a good person.

Now, it might seem strange that I'm referring to my teacher using gender-neutral pronouns. To be honest, that's not really accurate. "It" is the correct pronoun to refer to my teacher. My close friends would probably be able to figure out what it is that has taught me so much. I talk about it all the time, after all. My mother would wince at this, but I cannot deny that anime has had a profound impact on my life.


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